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Fatwa Dewan Syari'ah Nasional Majelis Ulama Indonesia no: 28/DSN-MUI/III/2002, tentang Jual Beli Mata Uang (Al-Sharf).
Menimbang :
a. Bahwa dalam sejumlah kegiatan untuk memenuhi berbagai keperluan, seringkali diperlukan transaksi jual-beli mata uang (al-sharf), baik antar mata uang sejenis maupun antar mata uang berlainan jenis.

b. Bahwa dalam 'urf tijari (tradisi perdagangan) transaksi jual beli mata uang dikenal beberapa bentuk transaksi yang status hukumnya dalam pandang ajaran Islam berbeda antara satu bentuk dengan bentuk lain.

c. Bahwa agar kegiatan transaksi tersebut dilakukan sesuai dengan ajaran Islam, DSN memandang perlu menetapkan fatwa tentang al-Sharf untuk dijadikan pedoman. Mengingat :
" Firman Allah, QS. Al-Baqarah[2]:275: "...Dan Allah telah menghalalkan jual beli dan mengharamkan riba..."
" Hadis nabi riwayat al-Baihaqi dan Ibnu Majah dari Abu Sa'id al-Khudri:Rasulullah SAW bersabda, 'Sesungguhnya jual beli itu hanya boleh dilakukan atas dasar kerelaan (antara kedua belah pihak)' (HR. al-baihaqi dan Ibnu Majah, dan dinilai shahih oleh Ibnu Hibban).
" Hadis Nabi Riwayat Muslim, Abu Daud, Tirmidzi, Nasa'i, dan Ibn Majah, dengan teks Muslim dari 'Ubadah bin Shamit, Nabi s.a.w bersabda: "(Juallah) emas dengan emas, perak dengan perak, gandum dengan gandum, sya'ir dengan sya'ir, kurma dengan kurma, dan garam dengan garam (denga syarat harus) sama dan sejenis serta secara tunai. Jika jenisnya berbeda, juallah sekehendakmu jika dilakukan secara tunai.".
" Hadis Nabi riwayat Muslim, Tirmidzi, Nasa'i, Abu Daud, Ibnu Majah, dan Ahmad, dari Umar bin Khattab, Nabi s.a.w bersabda: "(Jual-beli) emas dengan perak adalah riba kecuali (dilakukan) secara tunai.".
" Hadis Nabi riwayat Muslim dari Abu Sa'id al-Khudri, Nabi s.a.w bersabda: Janganlah kamu menjual emas dengan emas kecuali sama (nilainya) dan janganlah menambahkan sebagian atas sebagian yang lain; janganlah menjual perak dengan perak kecuali sama (nilainya) dan janganlah menambahkan sebagaian atas sebagian yang lain; dan janganlah menjual emas dan perak tersebut yang tidak tunai dengan yang tunai.
" Hadis Nabi riwayat Muslim dari Bara' bin 'Azib dan Zaid bin Arqam : Rasulullah saw melarang menjual perak dengan emas secara piutang (tidak tunai).
" Hadis Nabi riwayat Tirmidzi dari Amr bin Auf: "Perjanjian dapat dilakukan di antara kaum muslimin, kecuali perjanjian yang mengharamkan yang halal atau menghalalkan yang haram; dan kaum muslimin terikat dengan syarat-syarat mereka kecuali syarat yang mengharamkan yang halal atau menghalalkan yang haram."
" Ijma. Ulama sepakat (ijma') bahwa akad al-sharf disyariatkan dengan syarat-syarat tertentu.

Memperhatikan :
1. Surat dari pimpinah Unit Usaha Syariah Bank BNI no. UUS/2/878
2. Pendapat peserta Rapat Pleno Dewan Syari'ah Nasional pada Hari Kamis, tanggal 14 Muharram 1423H/ 28 Maret 2002.

Dewan Syari'ah Nasional Menetapkan : FATWA TENTANG JUAL BELI MATA UANG (AL-SHARF).

Pertama : Ketentuan Umum
Transaksi jual beli mata uang pada prinsipnya boleh dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:

a.Tidak untuk spekulasi (untung-untungan).
b.Ada kebutuhan transaksi atau untuk berjaga-jaga (simpanan).
c.Apabila transaksi dilakukan terhadap mata uang sejenis maka nilainya harus sama dan secara tunai (at-taqabudh).
d.Apabila berlainan jenis maka harus dilakukan dengan nilai tukar (kurs) yang berlaku pada saat transaksi dan secara tunai.

Kedua : Jenis-jenis transaksi Valuta Asing
a.Transaksi SPOT, yaitu transaksi pembelian dan penjualan valuta asing untuk penyerahan pada saat itu (over the counter) atau penyelesaiannya paling lambat dalam jangka waktu dua hari. Hukumnya adalah boleh, karena dianggap tunai, sedangkan waktu dua hari dianggap sebagai proses penyelesaian yang tidak bisa dihindari dan merupakan transaksi internasional.

b.Transaksi FORWARD, yaitu transaksi pembelian dan penjualan valas yang nilainya ditetapkan pada saat sekarang dan diberlakukan untuk waktu yang akan datang, antara 2x24 jam sampai dengan satu tahun. Hukumnya adalah haram, karena harga yang digunakan adalah harga yang diperjanjikan (muwa'adah) dan penyerahannya dilakukan di kemudian hari, padahal harga pada waktu penyerahan tersebut belum tentu sama dengan nilai yang disepakati, kecuali dilakukan dalam bentuk forward agreement untuk kebutuhan yang tidak dapat dihindari (lil hajah).

c.Transaksi SWAP yaitu suatu kontrak pembelian atau penjualan valas dengan harga spot yang dikombinasikan dengan pembelian antara penjualan valas yang sama dengan harga forward. Hukumnya haram, karena mengandung unsur maisir (spekulasi).

d.Transaksi OPTION yaitu kontrak untuk memperoleh hak dalam rangka membeli atau hak untuk menjual yang tidak harus dilakukan atas sejumlah unit valuta asing pada harga dan jangka waktu atau tanggal akhir tertentu. Hukumnya haram, karena mengandung unsur maisir (spekulasi).

Ketiga : Fatwa ini berlaku sejak tanggal ditetapkan, dengan ketentuan jika di kemudian hari ternyata terdapat kekeliruan, akan diubah dan disempurnakan sebagaimana mestinya.

Ditetapkan di : Jakarta
Tanggal : 14 Muharram 1423 H / 28 Maret 2002 M



The businesses are giving special attention to SEO strategies to position their brand on a powerful and global platform. With the help of blogging, businesses are able to establish relationships with other bloggers by giving them relevant information at regular intervals.

By publishing blog posts on a regular basis, a business website will have the following advantages:

1. Appear on search engine result pages from higher number of keywords 2. Inbound links will increase the SEO value of the website 3. Increase in overall rankings of the website 4. Improving percentage of traffic towards the site 5. Increase in popularity of the website by using social platforms

Before you can have benefits from your WordPress blog, you must ensure that your blog is easy to find not only by search engine crawlers but also by users. It is because blogs will attain higher rankings only when it is indexed by search engine crawlers. There are few tactics mentioned below which are used by many blog owners:

1. Related Blog Posts: Adding a list of related posts at the end of each blog post will make the content easier to find by crawlers. There are many blog platforms onto which you can create your blog posts. However, using WordPress for blog promotion helps in adding related posts with ease. This blog platform provides wide range of post plug-ins for the blog users.

2. Adding Previous and Next Posts: Increasing blog awareness is essential to engage the user for a good amount of time. It can be achieved when you add previous and next post links at the top or bottom of an article on your blog.

3. Using Categories: Categories are an effective SEO tactic wherein themed topics are put under one section. This helps the crawler to get into deeper content of similar topic which increases the chance of ranking of category pages.

4. Keeping Title Tags and Article Titles Different: Uniqueness in title tags and article titles of the blog gives a positive point for your blog to rank with different set of keywords on major search engines.

5. Adding Social Sharing Buttons: Adding such buttons allow users to share and recommend your piece of work to others which increases fellowship of your blog post.

With this piece of advice, you will not only create a blog but will also gain advantage from your efforts. You can take blog promotion services to improve potential of your WordPress blog on the major search engines. Once it has achieved higher rankings, the quality content posted on the blog will have its positive impact on the users.


Cloud computing has turn into the IT world's significant new expansion region however the definition of what specifically it is actually and how the average business can make the most of it is actually nevertheless a bit ambiguous.

Any great IT support corporation like IT support London is able to give a cloud computing service these days and will give you complete assistance and ideas for how it is possible to finest benefit from what they have on provide. This post will describe many of the functions of cloud computing for the unitiated.

At its minimum, cloud computing might be visualised as any sort of virtual server that could be accessed more than the web, using a broader definition encompassing virtually anything which can be accessed beyond the system's firewall, which consists of standard outsourcing. Cloud computing fills the have to have for most IT systems to become in a position to have access to extra computing services which don't involve further infrastructure, the necessity to train personnel as well as the need to get more licenses for software. Most corporations that make use of cloud computing services from a provider pay for a subscription service or spend for a particular use that is an extension with the business' own IT capability. A single in the earliest applications of cloud computing was the provision of a managed service just like an anti spam filter or virus scanning service for incoming e mail. Examples from the former are Postini, which has been purchased up by Google recently. Desktop management services are also cloud based provisions like those supplied by Everdream and CenterBeam. Enterprises can also access virtual servers and storage services in what may well be termed utility computing which augment the current IT system's abilities. This application of cloud computing has been about for some time but is being offered a new lease of life by companies like IBM and Amazon. The original uses had been for less critical supplementation of what organizations were currently in a position to take care of, but now providers are in a position to make virtual data centres from commodity servers. Software program as a service (SaaS) makes use of a multitenant method to supply a single software program application by way of the world wide web to lots of a large number of potential buyers. This has benefits for both the provider along with the consumer. The provider just offers with a single computer software application, thereby minimizing its operating costs, while shoppers can access the computer software with out having to pay for licences or additional servers. Google Apps and Zoho Office are typical examples of SaaS based desktop applications. Equivalent to SaaS, APIs may be offered that permit net developers to make use of Online functionality with no getting to deliver the full applications. These net service providers may deliver anything from particular company services for example Xignite and Strike Iron to such factors as Google Maps and credit card processing services. Cloud services are beginning to turn out to be much more integrated, though this can be nevertheless in its infancy. 1 example is OpSource, which predominantly deals with SaaS providers. OpSource has created the OpSource Services Bus, that is an integration technologies according to cloud

Ripping the apple

For peeling an apple, it will be most common to make use of a normal kitchen chef's knife. This isn't perfect like with a chef's knife, it is hard to peel an apple with out cutting piles of it from the apple, wasting the yummy fruit. You are perhaps better utilizing an engineered apple peeler for the job. This kind of will mean the only factor an individual will end up being cracking is actually the skin and also save as much of the apple because humanly possible. There are diverse kinds of apple peelers however so you will not want to pick-up a low quality one in which will make pulling an apple equally messy and difficult. Choose a very good model like Messermeister which excel in producing plant peelers of all kinds. This specific will make your apple ripping a piece of cake.

Coring the Apple

Coring an apple is quite difficult without having a created tool for the job. You may get at some point in time used an extended and also thin cutlery to do this these days, to assist items conceived for such tasks. An apple corer on it is on is generally a prolonged tube designed bit of metal along with a deal with on the stop. A person would press this particular by means of the apple from top to bottom, chopping free the key canister from the tube, which includes the core. An individual would and then take this particular tool back away as well as will possess taken out the core safely and very easily. It can be a quick process and it has already been an excellent assist to skilled chefs along with home at home cooks as well because it was developed. Coupled with an individual apple peeler, it tends to make the process of planning oranges for cooking, a simple job.

Apple peeler and corer

You can find nonetheless units produced to obtain each of these kind of duties at the very same time. An apple peeler as well as corer is actually a vice like gadget which you place as well as apple in to always be cored and also peeled. When introduced, simply switch the manage a handful of times and also the job will be practiced routinely. They are a small more substantial and customarily work surface attached for stability. These would generally be discovered in industrial kitchens in which may cope with a large amount of celery on a regular basis and also would guarantee the room used for these kinds of a gadget. They may be nevertheless offered for normal buy and would quite possibly gain a small providing business that is certainly nonetheless operate from home.

Guard is very essential in every body’s life

Guard is very essential in every body’s life. Every human being uses different types of guard in their life in different occasions. For example when you stay in your sweet home to entertain the visual projection like television then you take some protection against your Television Sets or your arrangements. But when you go outside for any of your professional job, you protect your eyes with a spectacle or goggles especially when you are in the dessert area. When you go for jogging, you put on your jogging shoes to protect your tender foot; when you go for outing in the scorching sun you make up with a sun cream to protect your soft screen; when you go for vegetable marketing in the rainy season you take an umbrella to protect you from the rain but when you will have to for every day’s essential works like school education for your loveable children; college education for your adult sons and daughters; office works for you and kitty parties for your beloved life partners with everyone’s precious life within their grip then who will protect you from any un avoidable circumstances and violent crimes like kidnapping and any other incidents like life threat which is happening every now and then in the most developed country like United States. But don’t worry; Manhattan Armor’s bullet proof armoured vehicle will be the only solution for you and your family member’s body guard. Manhattan armor is one and only bulletproof cars distributer who not only handle armored Suburban, armored GL550, armored Lexus, armored range rover, armored escalade, Porsche Cayenne but also the famous 2010 Range Rover, which is the only blast protected, bullet proof armored vehicle which is available in New York City. Its floor areas are armored with multi-ply rigid ballistic fragmentation material combined with up to 6layers of woven armor molded to form fit contours of floorboards and panels. Floor is also protected against the explosion of grenades (single German DM51 or US M-67) and a Standard 6 pound landmine.

Everyday innumerable kidnapping incidents are happening in the United States. Sometime they settle the created problem by negotiation but very often they fail their commitment and don’t release the victim after taking huge amount. So it is the wisest choice for you and your family to avail only the Manhattan armored vehicle or armored cars to protect your precious life. The first AFVs were armoured cars, dating back virtually to the invention of the motor car. Such vehicles were specially used as scouting vehicles and were armoured to protect the solder. The military’s armoured cars are a wheeled armoured vehicle lighter than other fighting armoured vehicles used for self-defense of the occupants. Other multi-axle wheeled military vehicle can be quite large and actually be superior to some smaller tracked vehicle in terms of amour and armament. They usually do not have any option for weaponry. Armoured cars are often used in military marches and processions for giving guard of honor to the important figures and diplomats.